Posts tagged ‘challenge’

March 30, 2012

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

Thirty days hath September, April, June and November…  Thirty minus four equals twenty six.  Twenty six happens to be the number of letters in the alphabet.

For the month of April I will be attempting to blog almost daily, with the exception of Sundays, although April 1, which is a Sunday, will also be a blogging day.  Each blogging day will have a theme starting with a letter of the alphabet (in alphabetical order).  Got it?

In case I’ve completely confused you, I’ve taken on another challenge, this time a blogging challenge for the month of April, beginning April 1st with each day’s blog post being the theme of a letter of the alphabet.  The challenge, ironically enough, is called the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.

You may wonder why on earth I would do this. Below is a list of reasons why I think I should:

  1. I needed a kick in the hind quarters to get back into good eating and exercise habits and while it wasn’t perfect the 4 Weeks to a Better You! Challenge got me headed in the right direction.  I’ve also been feeling like somewhat of a blogging slacker lately and felt that a blogging challenge is exactly what I need to get me motivated to write more regularly.
  2. I’ve started at least a half of a dozen posts in the last month but haven’t posted them.
  3. It will (hopefully) unstop my blogging blockage.  (My creative juices seem to be sitting in the stagnant backwaters more than flowing these days.)
  4. Goals are good.
  5. It can’t get any more simple than the alphabet.
  6. It might be fun.
  7. It will be a challenge.
  8. Challenge is good.
  9. Challenges spark creativity (gets me “out of my box”).
  10. Creativity makes me happy.

So there you have it.  My reasons are completely selfish.  I’m hoping the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge makes me happy.  I’m also hoping that this challenge will get me writing again, sharing more, and hopefully giving you, my lovely readers something to ponder, do or at the very least entertain you for a moment or two, in other words, I hope it makes you happy too.

So buckle up, we might be in for a ride.  And please remember to keep your arms above your head outside the vehicle waving and screaming frantically.

Until April,


February 10, 2012

4 Weeks to a Better You! – Challenge Starts Feb. 12! Join Me!


A few days ago I happened upon a website called 8 Weeks to a Better You! Challenge.  What I like about this challenge is that there is a physical challenge as well as an emotional/spiritual challenge.  The physical challenge incorporates the Clean Eating principles, but the emotional/spiritual challenge incorporates many things I have on my daily “to do” list.  I’ve been wanting to give myself a little extra incentive as well as been looking for some comradery in my efforts (without going to a gym).  I think this challenge will help give me a little more focus as well so I’ve decided to take the challenge.

The cost is $10 USD per person which enters you in the running for rewards.  That is, rewards in addition to creating a better you!

By following through on the challenge you have the opportunity to earn points.  Possible points earned are 10 per day, 70 per week.

Another thing I like about the challenge is that it is practical.  You get a FREE DAY where you get the full 10 points whether or not you complete all the requirements. You can choose which day of each week is your free day each week, but you cannot choose different days for different points.  The only exception to this rule is exercise.  Your free day from exercise can be different if you choose.  For example – you may choose Saturday as your free day but choose to workout that day and take Sunday off from exercise.

Here’s how you earn points…

Physically Better Yourself

1. Exercise at least 45 minutes a day!

2. Get AT LEAST 7 hours of sleep a night (if you are short a little just squeeze a nap in to make up for it).
3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
4. No Sugar
5. No Soda, Fast Food, or Junk Food
6. Eat at least 2 servings of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables
7. No eating after 8 p.m. (unless it’s your dinner-but try really hard to get dinner in earlier)
Emotionally/Spiritually Better Yourself
8. Write in your journal EVERY DAY.
9. Complete at least 15 minutes of uplifting reading or scripture study.
10. Complete an act of service or random act of kindness.  Whether it be a small one or a big one, do something kind for someone else that is out of your normal routine.
The challenge starts in two days.  You can be anywhere in the country or the world for that matter.  I would love for you to join me!